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Full-time RVers- Full-time Friends (Married over 20 years, TO EACH OTHER!)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Good OLD Friends

Dean  (the husband)
Shalane  (the wife  :o)

I'm not sure how it happened, but it appears as if I may have gotten older.  Not me. We have spent the last two nights in my hometown of Girard, KS.  We've had a great time visiting with my longest lasting friends that I've had since childhood.  Although I haven't seen some of them for over 5 years, the ease of conversation made it seem as if it has only been a couple of days since our last meeting.  I love friends like that!   Playing with the grandchildren of my dear friends is something that I have a hard time grasping.  If my friends are grandparents that means I must be old....No, this can't be!  You're not old, Baby.  They are aging without you.  You're still a spring chicken!

Tonight we plan on going to the county fair.  The Crawford County Fair was something that I really looked forward to in my younger years.  I am hoping that it will help me remember those good times and make me feel young again.  I need that feeling now.  Just go out and play one of your high school tennis players.  You know you can still beat any one of them.  Your the hottest 51 year old I know!  Friends with grandchildren....impossible! 

Tomorrow we'll begin our trip back to Nevada.  I will thoroughly miss the good times we've had here the past couple of weeks.  I think he will miss his in-laws the most.  ;o)  However, it's been so hot here that we've decided to travel as fast as we can back into the mountains! !!!!!  Once we're back in the cooler air, our pace will slow considerably.   Once there, I'm sure my wife will be back to a "one picture per mile" pace with her camera.  ;o)  Happy Trails! 

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