Shalane (the wife :O)
I titled this blog using a quote that I share with my students. I honestly believe that the happiest people in life are those who understand that everyone can’t have everything they want in this world. They understand that they CAN find great joy in the things that they do possess. I emphasize the word ‘possess’ because it implies that one actually owns it and not the bank or the credit card company. I live in a 1999 travel trailer and own a 1996 truck. I don’t owe anything on my home or my truck, and have no credit cards. I completely understand that the lifestyle that we’ve chosen, is not for everyone, but the idea of living debt free SHOULD be a goal for everyone. It's such a feeling of freedom to not have lenders breathing down your neck. Again, I know that the way we live isn't for everyone, but I love the fact that my house has wheels. It's awesome! We can go anywhere we want, any time we want and never even leave our house. In Las Vegas today the high temperature was near 110 degrees. I moved my home to the mountains for the summer. Today’s high temperature here was in the upper 80's.
I guess what I am saying is that everyone should find what they really want in life. People change over time and maybe their ‘wants’ will as well. It doesn’t mean that you must have exactly what you want at the very moment you decide on it. Sometimes, it is the struggle to obtain it that makes the dream so rewarding. However, as you're working toward your goal, it's vital that you appreciate and enjoy the things and the life that you NOW enjoy. We let too much pass us by as we dwell too often on what we don't have.
I am proud to say that I knew a wise, older gentleman who served in WWII and lived during the Great Depression. If fact, I had the honor of conducting his funeral. Before he past away, about a decade ago, he offered a rather strange comment. He said that he wished that all the people living in the United States at that time, would have had the opportunity to live during the Depression years. I have to admit, I was a little surprised by his statement. He was not a bitter man, if fact, he was very kind. I never heard him speak ill of anyone. When I quizzed him about his remark, he said that he merely meant that if people had lived in the 1930’s they would more fully appreciate all that they do have now. Since that time, i have lived enough and seen enough to have a better understanding of what he meant.
The recession of the last few years, has really brought this to light. I am thankful that my wife and I have jobs when there are so many without one. However, I am most thankful to be at the point in my life when I truly appreciate the things that I have, and that I don't owe any for them. I just don't think it's worth it to worry about things that I don’t have or when I will be able to pay off the things that I do. There is something to be said for the realization of knowing that no matter what uncontrollable thing happens in this world, I can and will be free enough to enjoy my life.
Tomorrow, what do wedding veils and converted trucks have in common? :O) Happy Trails!
Awww, today's is my favorite thus far! Even worthy of Facebook sharing! ;-) Continue enjoying your summer vacation!